“I am not the average female freshman. I’m shy and quiet. I’m a huge thinker---I never stop thinking. I have different values than most of them as well. I try super hard in skool to get good grades and I’m in some really hard classes. High school is hard. I get very stressed and worried a lot. My biggest problem that I let overpower my life is not having enough time. That is something I struggle with every second of every day. I am a very hard worker and never let myself relax. I do not see myself as lazy whatsoever. I try very hard to be a kind and helpful person. Sometimes my stress over time gets in the way of that though.”
A few more hours is all that I need
Seems that there just enough days in the week
But then it hits me:
Time is not the answer
You've given me all the time in the world
All that I need is...
A little more Life in my day
A little more of Your Life
A little more faith
Need a little more Life in my day
A little more Life to show me the way
If I'm gonna be in the world but not be of it
Lord I need more of You in all that I do
With a little more Life in my day"
-"Life In My Day" by NewSong
"Can any of you by worrying add a single hour to your span of life? If then you are not able to do so small a thing as that, why do you worry about the rest."
-Luke 12:25-26
Time is something that gets to us so easily! I still struggle with not wanting to waste any time. I guess the biggest problem I have is constantly wanting to and trying to do too much at once. I am also too perfectionistic, so everything often takes me about seven times longer than it takes everybody else. But I have definitely learned to relax this year. I am so thankful for the wonderful examples I have found in my new Christian friends! Even if I wouldn't have joined LCM, I was already well on mend. I am way more relaxed today than I ever thought I would be, and it is amazing!
God really can change us if we believe He will.
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