I don't know much. I'm not usually right, please know that. For some reason these thoughts, things, and ideas have been on my mind and heart throughout the years. I am silly, sinful, and make many mistakes every day. God's grace and love for me is my only Hope. His grace gives me strength to forgive myself each day, start over again, and fills me with the desire to show others how much He loves, forgives, and delights in each and every one of us. His children.
Wednesday, April 24, 2013
why a man was doing lots of crazy spins and tricks at Skateland...
of the day include being wowed by the kids' knowledge when they played
Bible trivia, sunshine!!, rollerblading and singing at the last
Christian skate of the year, and listening to stories of three amazing
dreams a man who was spinning and doing tricks at Skateland had. He said
he had always been timid and afraid of trying new things like tricks on
skates until he had a dream where he was
spinning and jumping that was so realistic that he overcame his fear.
He had been afraid of going under water and didn't believe in God when
he had a dream that felt completely real where Jesus was standing at the
end of his dock asking him put his faith in Him and to jump in. He said
no, and Jesus said, "Okay, well, I will be here waiting if you are ever
ready." Then he woke up thinking, "why would Jesus ask me to die (go
under water)?" He fell back asleep to the same dream. In it he jumped in
and could breathe under water, and after waking up he was no longer
afraid of going under water. He also had a dream where he was driving,
and there was this extremely bright light. He was scared, wondering if
it was a UFO or something. Everyone else was following the light, but he
was afraid to. Finally he started to follow and found a door. He was
scared to go inside and turned around, but a force spun him around and
slowly pulled him to the door without him being able to control himself.
Once inside he suddenly felt this amazing, indescribable euphoria. He
realized he was no longer in his body but different. He described five
different beings he saw. Three of them spoke to him asking him if he was
ready to believe. He said no, and they said, "Okay, we will be here
waiting if you are ever ready." ... At the time of all these dreams he
had been on the wrong paths and didn't believe in God until later on,
but he said these were three ways the Holy Spirit started to help lead
him to believing in Jesus! ... I love hearing stories like this!!! God
does amazing things.
Saturday, April 20, 2013
Walking away last night I was smiling thinking, "I only want Jesus."
God has done a lot in me this year and especially recently. I have really learned that what brings me most joy is Jesus's love for me and living a life of serving.
The few hugest things I've struggled to hold on to, want, obsess about, run to, look for satisfaction from etc.since eighth grade are now looking like nothing compared to serving my family, loving on kids, trusting God, and just leaving those silly things behind/not caring about them anymore. This is a big change.
There is no question I'm far from mature and have endless learning, growing, and renewing of my silly selfish mind and heart that needs to take place. My mind and heart constantly struggle with wanting silly things or focusing on silly things, but I am thankful that God reminds me that deep down in my soul it is Jesus I want and Jesus I need. And I am thankful for all the time I get to spend listening to love songs. Knowing that's the way Jesus loves me and I love Him. Knowing so deeply that nothing ever has or could or will come even a tiny bit close to loving or satisfying me like His romance does. Remembering the words about His love for me keeps me smiling all day.
Thank You God.
Friday, April 5, 2013
they have no idea...
The highlights of today were when the preschoolers began my time outside with... "Abbbbbbbbbbbbbbyyyyyy, come get meeee!" And continued the time outside, running, laughing and sqealing.... "Abbbbbbbbbbyyyyyyy...!!!" ... Only God knows how much this is a complete glimpse of His love to me. And how much there's nothing I'd rather do than chase those sweet kids.
... Then today at 5:30, the complete end of the day, as little sweet Hannah was leaving she hands me her artwork she had been working hard on off in a corner. "This is for you." It said: TO: ABE LOVE: HANNAH and said BFF multiple times on it and had a bunch of hearts. I couldn't believe it. I never expected her to be making anything for me. Especially something she was working hard on. I thanked her and told her I will hang it in my room and that it is so special to me. ... Little does she know how special her gift truly is to me. I will add to the collection of my most treasured artwork from the kids that I sincerely will hang and keep in my room (and future new apartment) for a long time, and never will throw it away. ... Hannah was like, "ya I worked hard on it. It even is just like my shirt..." And it was... her shirt had all these cool heart patterns on it. ... Man, that piece of artwork she gave me is really special to me. It makes me smile so much. I am going to make her something. But ya... those kids have no idea how they make my days. And how I know it is truly Jesus saying to me, "Abby, I love you. More than anything in this world. I love you."
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